Implantation? Or....

Okay so im probably going to get some backlash, but i need some input.

I had a baby on November 4th of last year and was EBF until January 5th. I got my first pp period on the 7th that lasted 4 days. Ovulation days were 17th-23rd. I had unprotected sex 3 times during that window relying on the pullout method..

On the 31st I had some very light pink spotting for about three hours and then nothing.

<a href="">Eve</a> says my period is due in 2 days but im terrified that i might actually be pregnant.

I knew this could happen. My almost three month old is a direct result of the pullout method. 🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃

Anyone have some insight? Of course i will be taking a pregnancy just looking for maybe some similar stories and know if it was implantation bleeding or just Aunt Flow letting me know she will make her grand appearance soon.