I’m still in shock

I look at these tests and I just can’t believe it I have no symptoms besides some slight nausea and exhaustion. No sore boobs nothing. I took the test last night thinking if there’s going to be a line it’s going to be SUPER faint but it was far from faint. I then tested again when I woke up at 1am and it had gotten lighter I thought for sure I was having a chemical pregnancy but then I tested again at 6 am and it’s a ton darker. The green test must need some high HCG because there’s only a VERY faint line, but IM PREGNANT! What do you guys do to help nausea I’m in college so I can’t keep running out of the classroom and also how do you help anxiety I had a miscarriage almost 2 years ago and no matter how happy I am I can’t get that out of my head.