Anyone else thinks partner not pulling weight?

I know this is more of baby thread but I feel like since we are all in a similar timeline, maybe it is more relatable.

I basically do almost everything from morning to night for the past month because partner has been having on and off flu and cold (we do takeouts so no cooking and washing the dishes) and I am way beyond exhausted.

I have tried discussing with him but we couldnt get to an agreement.

Our relationship turned sour slowly since baby was born but this past month made a huge dent on the relationship. I hate him. And he blamed it on PPD.

I hate it that he still has the time to play his games and watch netflix while I am basically just living on survival mode.

Am I just hormonal or is this more of a serious thing?

It doesnt help with the fact that father in law is an as* and didnt care about the wellbeing of the baby (and hated me)

I am lost and just want to rant..