Anyone else battling with toddler getting baby sick 🤕


My toddler got the baby sick at just 3 days old 😭 now He’s sick again even has a fever and I’m praying he doesn’t get baby sick again. Any advice on what to do

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Realistically there's nothing to prevent it. Clean more, open windows for a bit if you can, make sure the 3yo washes their hands (a constant battle over here). I have my 3yo shower when he gets home from school, I clean his school bag and I wash his clothes as soon as I can. We got an air purifier it seems to help. I also started doing a multi vitamin, elderberry and probiotic for him.


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Ugh yes. My 3 year old passed on RSV to my son at 7 weeks and we were in the children’s hospital for 6 days. He needed the intensive care unit and oxygen. It was awful.


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There isn’t a lot you can do. We have our toddler wash her hands when she gets home, and before she’s allowed to touch the baby she using flaming hand sanitizer


Mi • Feb 4, 2020