How to make ttc less robotic 🤖

Seeking tips and ideas.. last cycle we went on a mini vacation. I needed a break from it all. My grandfather passed away and a lot was going on. I decided not to really track but somehow I got a positive opk super early, during that time but we actually enjoyed each other. We were spontaneous, and loving. Sex was fun and we BD ALOT over those two days. I actually got pregnant and we were so excited for it to only fail to a chemical pregnancy😫 I’m back to the drawing board. I’m already a little uneasy and stressed about it. Half of me wants to let go, but the other half wants to keep trying. How do you make TTC less robotic and more romantic? I’m already obsessing again over opks and when we should BD. I’m feeling drained. It’s become more of a chore than a great experience.😭