New momma


So I’m 17 and I’ve been living with my bf since I was 15 because I love him and he took me in when I had no one , we argue here and there but lately he’s been so disrespectful and he changes names in him phone to guys but yet there girls and act like I don’t know . I called one up and she told me things I thought I’d never hear she told me he hated me and didn’t want me in his life but I’m a burden and won’t leave . I have a family but I’m not welcomed there abusive and that’s why I left , I’m 5 weeks pregnant and I think he won’t stay for long and I don’t know what to do or where to go and I don’t work my morning sickness is so awful and I get so dizzy to the point i can’t even walk at times . Just the other day ago we got into an argument and he said keep acting this way your gonna become a single mom and that got me thinking like wtf he has the nerve to say that and what if i do become a single mom what am I to do or go . I get that he’s scared but so am I , he claims I’m lazy and don’t do anything but yet I do everything for him and buy him so much shit with the little money i have , I love him so much and he was there for me when I had absolutely nothing , all I have is him and I don’t know what I’m going to do if we break up . Imma be a single mom and have no place to go and no family , I get it we are young and this was unexpected but it’s one thing if your in love and he treats you like a queen but mine he gets mad fast and calls me every name in the book and when I ask why he says it’s because how he was raised he don’t know better and he Blames his anger issues on everything. He’s always here for me and I’m always there for him even when he left for months to juvi , I love him a lot but I just don’t know what to do I feel overwhelmed and confused and I got to do what’s best for me and the baby but I don’t wanna hurt him but why force a relationship if neither of you seem happy and he constantly makes me feel like crap and looks at other girls and hides them like I’m dumb .