Think I gave my boyfriend my yeast infection?

Ever since I got on my birth control I’ve noticed vaginal dryness, and itchiness, but Friday I noticed it was more itchy than usual. Saturday morning my bf and I had sex and I noticed later on in the day I had a thick white sticky discharge in my underwear and I kinda figured it was a yeast infection. Monday it had gotten bad my vagina was itchy sore not much discharge just white sticky residue in underwear. My bf texts me that he had red pimples on his penis and thinks he has ( Balanitis) from my yeast infection based off his symptoms and he is uncircumcised. Ik for a fact it’s not an std bc I had just had a Pap smear the week before and they told me I was clean of any stds and if I had one wouldn’t the red dots and stuff happen months ago when we first started having sex?