Boyfriend thinks buying flowers is repulsive...


Long story short, we’ve been together for three years and he knows I love tulips. I asked him why he never buys me flowers, not even on special events. Last night he said he was going to do it but said that he found the act of gifting flowers REPULSIVE. I stopped asking him for them months ago, I even bought myself flowers (by which he felt offended). I asked to please not do it because If I receive them I’m gonna look at them and think “this is repulsive to him”. He said I was focusing on the bad part instead of thinking “oh at least he’s doing it”.

But come one, If I have to ask for it I don’t want it then, if it’s repulsive for him, I don’t want it then, I prefer to keep the good memories I have attached to tulips instead of receiving them and knowing it’s not coming from the heart.

Am I wrong or what?