Tired/no motivation/just feel like laying around


So the last few weeks I have felt like doing nothing but lay around. I have had no motivation to do anything. I MAKE myself do 1-2 loads of laundry a day and attempt to do the dishes but that’s all I can get myself to do. I want to do activates and stuff with my daughter but I don’t feel like it, I’m a SAHM of a 15 month old. I kinda of feel depressed and idk if it’s depression or just tiredness from being pregnant. I don’t remember feeling this way with my first. Idk if I’m getting bored of being a SAHM or what but this winter weather here doesn’t help either. It was nearly 80 degrees Sunday and that was the best I felt in weeks. Maybe it’s the weather, pregnancy tiredness idk but I hate feeling like this because I feel like a bad mom and wife. Idk what to do or if it’s something more serious than just being tired from being pregnant. It also confuses me bc we wanted another baby and I was excited when we found out we were expecting again. I want to have the same excitement I had with my first but right now it just hasn’t been there for several weeks. Anyone experiencing this?