Baby led weaning



So our pediatrician said my son can start stage 1 baby food. He is 4 months but I felt like he wasnt ready and decided to wait until he is 6 months. Then I heard about baby led weaning and now I'm interested in trying that. Could anyone tell me their experience with that? Do you prefer that over purees?

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We did a combo of both blw and purees for my first. He did wonderfully and is a great eater still to this day. He acts like he's picky, but he always ends up trying it after a few minutes of looking and smelling.As for choking, we didn't have any issues with that at all. Babies gag with solids and purees, but that's not the same as choking. I would recommend knowing infant cpr if you're worried. (Actually I recommend that for everyone anyway, just in case, regardless of blw or purees).In any case, it worked so well for us that were planning on the same for this baby at 6 months.


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We will do BLW once LO is 6 mo and meets all requirements. There’s a super helpful Facebook group with tons and tons of resources. It’s been very helpful as we prep for it.


Emma • Feb 6, 2020
Do you know the name of the group?


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Check out FeedingLittles. They have a ton of info on BLW


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We just started baby cereal she is 19 weeks . I do a tablespoon of the cerea and 3 oz of milk . She doing great with it