Waving Bye

ashbash4 • Mommy to Carl and Cora; LOVE THE LIFE YOU LIVE; fuck what anyone says

My little

Girl just discovered how to wave and say “buh buh”

Any others ? ☺️ Love seeing her grow up and use her brain 😆

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My daughter just started waving yesterday and saying it today 🥺


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My baby will wave and say "hi".


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My daughter waves bye bye! But loves waving hi and clapping yay!


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Im teaching her to bye2 too~She has done hand raises and clapping but still no bye bye


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Yes! It’s the cutest!! My daughter waves and says bye bye or waves and says hi, the wave is different for hi and bye 😂


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My daughter waves but doesn’t say bye yet. I’ll keep persisting cause that would be so cute!


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Omg now I’m nervous! My little girl just hit 8 months on the 28th and only says dada and babbles! I’ve been trying hard to get her to say mama. I can’t remember how quickly my now 5 year old was saying words but now I feel like she’s behind with other babies 😂


Cassidy • Feb 10, 2020
Don’t feel bad. Mine will be 9 months on the 16th and will only say dada and babbles. She waves but that’s it. I try to get her to say mama or anything and it’s always dads 🤣