What did your doctor say about soft markers found on an ultrasound?


I was told at my follow up yesterday that they found two soft markers on my anatomy ultrasound- specifically a cyst on my baby’s brain and also a bright spot on his heart. I’m very confused, worried, and angry because I feel like my doctor was cutting me short of answers and didn’t really say much other than offer me a blood test to find out my risks of having a baby with DS She did mention that the spot on his heart is really not a cause of concern because many women get that result because the ultrasound sometimes just makes things look bright to begin with.. but because there was a cyst on his brain both soft markers are now a cause of concern. But at the same time she didn’t seem at all concerned.. I guess what I’m just wondering is people who have had soft marker results, what were you told by your doctor? I’m just not satisfied with my doctors skimpy, short and simple answers.. I feel like I need more than what I got