Moms that have kids in school— is this normal? UPDATE

Jullz ☀️

I have a 4 year old born in 2015 that’s starting kindergarten this fall.

I registered her for school last October like I was supposed to but we moved about two weeks ago and are in a new area that has its own elementary school. I called the new school that she would be attending to explain our situation, that we just moved and would need to register her in that school instead. They said that all four of their kindergarten classes were full and they would not be able to take her. I was dissapointed but the schools aren’t that far from eachother so I thought we could make it work commute wise. I then called the school she’s currently registered in, told them we moved but there wasn’t any place for her so asked if they could keep her. They said no because we now live outside of their zone. So what the fuck am I supposed to do? Just hope that a spot opens up at the one closest to us? What if none are available? This is my first time dealing with schools and I’m not very happy so far. Should I go higher than the schools and contact the district? Help 😩

UPDATE: The school called earlier to tell me a spot opened up because a family is moving out of the country 💃🏼