How Would You React?

So a while ago, like 2 summers ago, a childhood friend contacted me and wanted to hang out. I said sure. She came over to the apartment that my husband and I had. Keep in mind that we are in our mid 20s and she still lives at home. She mentioned wanting to have a "girls night," so after talking to my husband he agreed that she could spend the night on the couch. Fast forward 5 days, she hasn't left. We have no idea what to do. She's doing weird things, drinking all afternoon and night, and even a few times left the gas stove on after making tea. I decided to contact her mother on facebook because.. I really just wanted her out of my house. Come to find out that her parents had no idea where she was, she took her mother's car, sleeping for days and then staying up for days, randomly leaving home, and she's been doing equally strange and sketchy things at home. We staged a little intervention at my apartment with her parents randomly showing up and taking her home. We had limited contact over the next year, because they were trying to help her. I was working as a psych nurse at the time and truly believed that she needed psychiatric help. I even offered to help anyway that I could because I know how hard mental issues are to deal with.

Then, out of nowhere, about a year and a half later, my husband mentions that she has been sending him Facebook messages. He said they started out normal at first but then evolved into really creepy things. She's asking about our sex life, how often we have sex, what positions, if we use toys, how big he is.. and then ontop of that, telling my husband what SHE likes. My husband stopped responding and that's when he told me. I was LIVID. I let myself stew for about 3 days before I contacted her. Literally said "why the fuck are you talking to my husband about sex?" She said she was doing a project for school on different genders and their preferences and was making a scrapbook for it. I still flipped my shit. Listen Bitch, I have had quite the life and you can't bullshit someone who was a professional bullshitter. I trust my husband 100% and know he would never have done anything. I immediately cut off all contact with her, as did my husband. Even though this was a while ago, I'm still stewing about it and feel betrayed by someone I thought was my friend and someone who I tried to help. I am also terrified that she will discover our address and show up unannounced. Did I do the right thing by flipping on someone who I truly believe is mentally ill? Should I have let her parents know? Should I have kept my cool?

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