Feeling frustrated, should I get a second opinion?


Hi ladies! My hubby and I have been ttc for almost 2 years. I am a type 1 diabetic. In dec 2018, we had a miscarriage but nothing since.

My diabetes doctor put me on a thyroid med cause he noticed that was a little low on a lab. He told me it may help with the ttc journey. He continued reducing my dose until we found the right one. My thyroid numbers are now perfect. But here is the problem: since I have been on this medicine, my cycle has been really irregular.

My obgyn told me to wait 3 months now that my thyroid is under control, and if it is still irregular she will do an ultrasound too see if everything looks ok. She also told me that it may b time to see a specialist. Both of these things really surprised me. For one, I dont want to wait 3 more months, I want answers now! And two, I thought there was a little more that wood b done with the obgyn before she went the specialist route. Aside from a general physical, she hasn't done any lab work or anything, which I thought was strange. Do I need a second opinion? O and to top it all off..after getting my thyroid number under control and having 1 regular cycle, I got an unwelcome surprise visitor today 12 days before it was expected. I am so frustrated, for one, not only not getting pregnant but I'm sick of the irregular bleeding.