Partners who work outta town

I need some lift me ups yall. My boyfriend just told me today that he is wanting to take another job. The shift would be 14 & 7 (14 days on 7 days off) ' he currently works 2 & 2 (2 weeks on 2 weeks off) - I'm 22 weeks pregnant. We are expecting out first in June.

A little back story -

I moved out to this small town 2 hours away from my friends and family to be with him. I'm in childcare & out here there is a limit of jobs in my field. & if there is one, it's 45-50 minutes away that I need to drive back and forth too. I have no friends out here. I'm isolated. At least that's what it feels like. MAT leave is gonna be hell. I am already struggling with the 2&2, because our relationship struggles with the "romance" ' We got another dog (I had one previous to being with my partner) so now we will have 2 dogs, a baby, and we live on a lake lot so a huge outside to care for.

How the fuck am I supposed to be happy with him only being home 7 days out of the month (5 really cause 2 are travel days) this baby we tried for, for 7 months. & now its going to be like I'm a single mom raising this kid on my own.

This is not what I signed up for 😔 financially I know it's better & I know hes doing it for our family. But I dont know if I'll ever be able to be happy with this lifestyle.

How do you mamas do it 😭😭