Itchy stitches burning - how r u using tucks pads



3.5 weeks pp and my stitches are uncomfortable - painful itchy and it burns more to pee now then it did initially pp! I went in for a 3 week check with ob cuz I thought it might be infected and it didn’t smell right either but doc said it looks good and this is normal

This is second baby and I had an episiotomy with the first I don’t remember it being this bad in healing ! I got a second degree tear this time and baby was big 8.3

The dermaplast now burns so bad I put it away and I use thr ticks pads but do how r u guys using them ? I have pretty bad hemmorids still so every time I poop I wipe with toliet paper and the tucks pads - I was using the pads to line up my hospitla pads but once those finished like a week pp almslt I stopped lining thr tucks pads on sanitary pads for my vagina area too because they would get absorbed by my always pad I guess they’re a different material than the hospital pads ? So it felt so gross so now I’m just using the ticks pads when I poop to wipe

Sorry about all the poop talk but I’m just so uncomfortable going to the bathroom or even sitting 😩

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Posted at
Use 2 droppers of calendula tincture in water filled in your peri bottle. Squirt your whole vag/butt after going to the bathroom. Then take a Calendula tincture mixed in with alcohol-free witchhazel in a spritz bottle and mist your stitches with it before putting on adult Depends. I healed up very fast doing this. Calendula and witch hazel ste a blessing!!!


Sarah • Feb 8, 2020
I had a 2nd degree tear. I used it every time I went to the bathroom for 3 weeks straight. I just stopped using it and feel fantastic down there haha. I got it from my midwives. But you can get it at a health food store or amazon. (Need to buy the tincture).


FirstTimeMom💁🏻🤰🏻🤱🏻 • Feb 8, 2020
Never heard of calendula thanks ! Where did U get it ? Did u tear too? How long did u use this for ?


Posted at
Liquid silver helps take away the itch and any discomfort as well as witchazle spray. I used both when I had this problem and about 3 days later it was as though I didn’t have any stitches at all


Kat • Feb 9, 2020
Herbal Perineal Spray by Earth Mama | Safe for Pregnancy and Postpartum, Natural Cooling Spray for After Birth, Benzocaine and Butane-Free 4-Fluid Ounce


FirstTimeMom💁🏻🤰🏻🤱🏻 • Feb 9, 2020
Oh I didn’t knowbwabkjr witch hazel spray where sisbhbbuybol did u buy it plz


Posted at
The only way I could get the itch away was spraying way too much dermaplast..... it did the job


FirstTimeMom💁🏻🤰🏻🤱🏻 • Feb 9, 2020
How did And when did u use ticks pads ?


Nikki • Feb 8, 2020
I also had a very large hemorrhoid hurt to poop, I ended taking hot-warm baths to help ease the pain, used the tucks pads, and continued taking pain meds I was sent home with


Nikki • Feb 8, 2020
For about 2 weeks, I had a vaginal internal tear and some cuts. I sprayed it after I peed, and used the peri bottle with warm water for when I peed!


Posted at
Im 4 weeks PP and went to see my Ob as i thought i had an infection too but they told me tears heal slower so to not worry but it burns and itches too. Also have this wierd odor. Hope it heals soon. I am ready to be me again.


FirstTimeMom💁🏻🤰🏻🤱🏻 • Feb 8, 2020
Me too girl 😩🧐 have u found anything to help ? Did they suggest anythign ? Mine jsut said sitz bag


Posted at
I’ve been doing some stiz bath of sos on salt infused with coconut oil but I shower right after so I rinse it away