could i be pregnant?


sooooo i should start off by saying that i’m 17 years old and i’m a senior is high school. i didn’t have my period in january because i was superrrrr stressed. i had unprotected sex on january 22nd and we used the pull out method. on january 28th, i started spotting and it was like a brown color. i have NEVER spotted in my entire life so i started to worry. it only lasted maybe 2 or 3 days. a couple days while i was spotting, i woke up feeling mildly nauseous. my period for february was supposed to start january 31st and end on february 2nd. i’m now a week late and i’ve been having mood swings and i’ve been nauseous either in the morning or at night. i’ve also been sooooo freaking tired. i also don’t have access to a test rn. could i be pregnant?