Sex and affection gone... advice please.

Sorry it's a long post but please bear with me.

In my opinion my partner and I use to have a pretty good sex life but for awhile now he hasn't touched me at all unless his been drinking (which makes me feel like I'm not good enough or that he thinks I'm ugly now or that there's something wrong) or I initate it (and he might feel bad for rejecting me so he just does it?) Even kissing and hugging he just doesn't want a bar of it. It's really made me self conscious and disgusted about myself. I stopped initiating it to see how long it would be and so far there's been nothing. The last time we did do it he had been drinking. I have asked him why he only does it drunk and his claim is it's the only way he'll be able to last longer ( I have never had a problem with his timing) I'm 30+ weeks pregnant but he has always said he finds pregnancy attractive so I don't think it has anything to do with being pregnant but I guess he could just be saying that. I feel so disgusting and ugly like he doesn't find me attractive anymore, yet I still find him literally the hottest person (I'll just randomly catch myself looking at him think wow how the hell did I get so lucky) Ive always had a highish sex drive but maybe pregnancy has made it higher im not sure. I'm just worried his lost interest in me and it's making me really depressed and I don't know what to do anymore.