Ok so I almost always have had a 29-32 day cycle with positive digital opk’s on CD 16 or around about then. Then came year new me right? Well my December cycle was 42 days causing my period to start super late on 1/8/2020. Well I decided to use OPK’s and take pics with the Premom app. I got a peak reading on CD19 which I figured was probably right. I continued to test since the directions said to test the entire first cycle to make sure that I don’t have a biphasic or triphasic cycle. So I continued to test and kept getting negative opks until all of a sudden on CD26 I got a positive again. I got darker and darker positives all the way up until CD30. They’re now negative again. My question is, could I still have ovulated this cycle even though it’s super late? I’m starting to worry that something is going on since both my last cycle and this one seem to be 2 weeks longer than usual. I got pregnant with my first on the first month trying so I’m just hoping something isn’t wrong hormonally with me. I’m holding out hope that I actually did ovulate during that second surge but who knows. Anyone else have any input on this? Or any experience with long cycles and still conceiving?!