you see it too? tw: positive after loss? 😭

hubby and i lost our little girl at almost 22 weeks on October 30th.

I’m on Chateal birth control pill.

I just had my last cycle on the 11th of last month.

Well, I have been so tired. I am not a breakfast person, but lately right away when i wake up I’m STARVING. I can eat all day which isn’t like me.

I was showering the other day and i smelt the hamburger my hubby was cooking all the way from the bathroom. I’ve been cramping but i just thought AF was getting ready to show.

Weird little things that i brushes off but started thinking, weird? this is exactly how i felt the last time I was pregnant.

I took a test knowing I am just being crazy, it won’t be positive

WELL, do you see the faint line??

Idk how far along I’d be.

I’m scared my body isn’t ready 😭