Pregnancy is hard. And no one told me.

Hey mamas,

I don’t know if anyone else has struggled but this is my first pregnancy, and I’ve had a lot of problems in regards to this insane amount of hormones. I’m 24. I’ve had higher than highs, and the lowest of lows. Some days I don’t want to get out of bed. Some days I tell my boyfriend I feel like I’m nothing but an inconvenience to him. And then he tells me he doesn’t know what’s “going through my head.” And to be honest, I don’t know either. But I’m afraid if I keep on this path my boyfriend will leave me. I never felt this way before I was pregnant. But knowing in just four months I’ll get to hold my daughter for the first time is the one thing that makes it all worth it.

I guess I’m just wondering what you mommies out there do when you feel this way? I’ve tried crafting to keep my mind busy; but sometimes I don’t even feel like doing that.

*posting anonymously to avoid judgement.