Called Police on my neighbour for harassing me & shouting at me over my son!!!!!!

♡ 𝓚𝓪𝓽𝓻𝓲𝓷𝓪 𝓵𝓸𝓾𝓲𝓼𝓮 ♡


I am now 26 and have a 3 year old son, im a single mother who left her ex because he was abusive and he's never seen his own child. My neighbour knows this too..

My neighbour also waits till in ALONE and waits till my visitors has gone before harassing me, every time.

My neighbour and I were on good terms when I first moved in 2 Years ago then all of a sudden after his wife saw me they both stopped speaking to me, I didn't mind it I carried on with life as normal.



on the evening if the neighbours would hear me talking or would so much as laugh, by the way I'm a quiet speaker if I talk too loud it would wake my son. They began to bang on the wall aggressively, loudly and repeatedly.



one evening my son woke up after having a nightmare and I saw to him immediately, I have a camera monitor and saw he was distressed. I went to comfort him and while he was about to stop crying the neighbour banged on my bedroom wall so much it made my son shake, scream and cry.

I went into my back garden and the man, Adam, waits to see me outside and runs to his backdoor, opens it and says " what was with that crying last night?" Momentarily I got confused and automatically replied "crying?.... Oh you mean jake?" he says "yeah all that crying what the hell happened!" I said "he had a nightmare I saw to him straight away and was calming him down but as soon as he was calming down one of you two banged on the wall and it made him shake with fear, scream and cry"

Adam LAUGHED and said "oh yes that would have been the Mrs (it wouldn't have) she has work in the morning and needed to sleep" so I said "if she needs sleep then banging on a wall because of a crying child isn't going to help, I'm seeing to him I'm doing the right things to calm him.. Your not. So stop please"

They said they can hear every word I say which made me paranoid, you can only hear every word someone says if you press your ear up towards the wall... I know this because once he said it I tested it out.

He said he can hear me close my microwave, the cupboard etc.



on my birthday my son woke up and couldn't sleep so I made him some juice. He sat there quietly while I read him a book downstairs, playing cartoons on mute. The neighbour banged on the wall really really loud, then ran to the kitchen and banged in there too. This frightened my son so much he shook and looked into my dark kitchen thinking someone was breaking in, I did too, and I had to explain everything's fine.

That's when they crossed the line so I reported them for the antisocial behaviour.

They got a letter sent to them explaining if they don't stop they can put recording equipment in my house and capture it, take them to court and arrange costs for them to get better wall insulation.



soon as they got the letter they rang the number on the letter and because they couldn't be honest without sounding stupid saying they banged the wall because I was talking they lied and said it was my child crying that was the issue and that I wait atleast 10 minutes before seeing to him. Which I told the woman is a complete lie!!

So they ring and report me to social services (SAFEGUARD HUB) and lie saying I shout and swear at my son.

Unaware at the time I get a letter through saying someone tried to get hold of me in regards of a report made on me regarding my son. I panicked, confused and rang the number.. Upset. She explained a neighbour had called saying I was shouting at my child and swearing but they themselves didn't see the complaint was worth following up, as they get calls like this all the time. I explained to her it's neighbour dispute and she recorded that as well as the fact that the neighbours are also on drugs.



on Friday I was in my sons bedroom with my son, putting clothes out to dry on the airer. My son was playing up, hitting me hard through the airer and kept shouting and throwing his arms about when I told him nicely to move. I said to him that we are in a rush and gradually raised my voice but he kept shouting over me. I reached in and found his hand, held it nicely and walked him to the other side of the room.. My son then throws himself down and had a biiiiiig big tantrum so while he does that I'm still having to speak louder and I'm saying to him " you are too young for me to try to say how would you feel if a boy hit you, so I will remind you that hitting is bad I asked you to move and you didn't. You know we are in a rush so please stop crying."

Half way through his my neighbour bangs on the wall, it goes quiet for a second before I go to see my son to stop him from crying. I then hear my neighbour has run downstairs, outside into my back garden and he's yelling.

" KATRINA, OI KATRINA " I close the curtains because I was scared he sounded really angry he then got louder, started to whistle and refused to stop I hit record on my phone and opened the window.

He shouts "WHAT THE BLOODY HELL ARE YOU DOING TO THAT POOR CHILD?!?" I was confused and said "Nothing, I held his hand and took him to the other side of the room" he shouts "IT DOESN'T SOUND LIKE NOTHING. THE WAY YOU SPEAK TO HIM IS DISGUSTING. YOU ARE BEING A BULLY I CAN HEAR EVERY WORD YOU ARE SAYING I CAN HEAAAR YOU, ITS VERBAL ABUSE" in shock I say "I do not speak badly to my son, If you can hear everything you would of heard what happened" he doesn't shut up and gets even more angry and is venting shouting " I HAVE 12 FRIENDS WHO ALL HAVE KIDS AND NOT ONE OF THEM SAID THEY SPEAK TO THEIR KIDS LIKE THAT" ( so he lied and is speaking about my life now to his friends, apparently)

I said to him "it's got nothing to do with you to be honest, I'm not being mean. Parents can shout." so he replied ". WHEN I CAN HEAR IT THEN IT DOES BOTHER ME, STOP ASKING YOUR SON TO DO THINGS OVER AND OVER. ASK YOUR SON TO DO SOMETHING ONCE AND IF HE DOESN'T THEN LEAVE IT. WIND YOUR NECK IN YOUR A BULLY "

my neighbour has never ever had kids, he's an old man who spends all his time in the house and he argues with everyone.

He says I'm a bad person because I have to ask my child a few times to do something like to get dressed or to stop something like hitting or when he does hit I ask him to apologise.



I rang safeguard and said what happened, said he might ring up at some point and make false accusations but he just harassed me and I'm also going to call the police. They were shocked by his behaviour and made a note on their system for if he does try to call up.

I rang the police and an officer is seeing me either today or tomorrow, I'm writing a statement for harassment and I want him to stop speaking to me.



-waits till I'm outside, always, then rushes to speak to me.

-asked me to stop speaking past 11pm

-acted like my parent asking why I'm not sleeping at 10pm

-asks what games I play and who I speak to

- asks what I'm doing

-knocks on my window

-throws stones at my window

-shouts at me through the wall when it's silent

-over hears conversations I've had alone with my sister when we are outside and he's inside then bought me a window lock for my kids room

-admitted to me that he makes calls to the council alot and one of them he said he can hear my cupboards close and wanted to know if he could give me adhesive tabs to cushion the noise but they said no so he gave me them anyway

-got upset and said to me he said to his wife he was upset because i got the council to close the holes up in the fence so he can't see me and also they padlocked the gate because he could access me garden which wasn't legal or right.

-he smokes weed and has admitted to it and it makes my sons room smell of it for days.

He also admitted he did other drugs, probably still does.

I'm sure there's more I just can't remember right now.

There are neighbours to the other side of Adam who are from Syria and he has been racist about them before but I immediately defended them. He said they play music loudly all the time and it does their head in before insulting them.

Because be cannot complain to them about their noise he bullies me instead knowing I'm alone.



🌺. What are your opinions? 🌺



The police spoke to me & with my permission are going over to my neighbour today to give him a verbal warning, he is going to tell him to stop speaking to me and to stop all this behaviour such as banging on walls etc.

I am also setting up a camera in my back garden, even if it's a dummy one.. So he will be less likely to start anything with me again.

I warned the police man that Adam gets his wife to also say shit and they will be making stuff up, the police man wasn't at all worried and said he knows he has dealt with people exactly like him plenty of times before and not to worry. I said I'm scared he would try to get me in trouble for nothing and he said he won't.