Why does he do this??

Backstory- my partner is an alcoholic. Not in the normal sense of alcoholic, in the sense that when he drinks he doesn't know when to stop!!

He has beaten me and smashed the house up in a blackout rage so many times.

For the last 7 month's he has stopped drinking completely...

Last night was different...

We went for a steak in an expensive restaurant, we both had a glass of wine with our meal!

Then it was a glass of port after...

Then asking me if we could get a bottle and watch movies when we're home ... He bought 2 more than he should have...

I went to bed around midnight...

He woke me up at 2 in the morning trying to put an exstacy pill in my mouth....

I go down stairs to find he got a taxi to the shop.. TO BUY MORE BEER!!

Then in the end I give up fighting with him and take one. We danced to songs until he started hallucinating and thinking I had stolen his parking spot.. even though I sold my car a year ago...

He then hits me and pushes me around I'm now cut up and super tired... I just want to go to sleep!

I've told him it's over between us...

Now he's soberish he keeps trying to touch me and I hate that!!!!

The one man I seek comfort in is the one man that hurt me in the first place.

I've been with him 10 years and I truly thought we could be a place where he would not do this to me again.

I was wrong. I am now saving up to move out of my house we just bought together (a year ago) ... I'm gutted and devastated this has happened but I cannot back down now!

I can't stop crying!

No alcoholic can ever have 1 drink.... remember that so this may help you, or others