It really is the little things!!


So I’m 26wks 3days and I have a 2 1/2yr old ADHD son, days get hectic and some nights seems to never end... yesterday seemed like one if those days, you wake up tired with a huge list to get done, well I got on it with no complaint, I completely stripped out the millions of toys in my sons room and deep cleaned and organized it... took me lil over 4 hours but it got done, my husband was still sleeping because he worked a really long overnight shift the night before so lil man was running full throttle with no helping me in sight. I also gave our very large pit bull a bath and little man was in there wanting to try and get the dog out of the tub and splash water... again no help... and just when my husband wakes up I think I might get some help so I can finish but because lil man was just being a full on toddler it kept him waking up all morning and apparently he didn’t really sleep. So he was groggy and not helpful but instead wanted to go walk stores. My feet and ankles are swollen at this point and my back is bout ready to stab me if I even thought of doing anything else lol so I said sure let’s load up... (I hardly ever get to actually sit down anyways so I thought why not) he had already called and asked so his dad was gonna watch the baby... and then we took it slow walking around wal mart and then had an awesome lunch and it was nice not to be rushed and then we walked around the mall hand in hand no arguing nothing but laughs and actual conversation which with a full life of a million different schedules can’t sometimes be lost... so it was nice then we went and got lil man and went home... lil man was still full throttle and had only a 10 min nap... which in all honesty helps absolutely no one lol well finally he started wearing down and we put him to bed reading story after story that he wanted and then my husband texts me (knowing I’m exhausted and just want to get off my feet a few minutes) and says when u get to the bedroom be naked... to which I replied starting early with the wantin huh? More messing around because even though I hardly want it anymore or am tired a lot of the time I still please him when I can. This was not the case apparently lil did I know. So I get to the room I strip and I go to sit on the bed and he says u may not want to sit down yet. I said but babe I’m tired so why not? He then leads me to the bathroom where he had lit candles and got a nice warm bath ran with bath salts in that smelled amazing and said this is part one of ur surprise, I’m gonna get in first and then help u in and ima hold u while u relax. I started crying it made me so happy. We sat in the warm water just relaxing and talking until the water went cold and then he helped me out and after I dried off we crawled into bed where he played low country love songs on Pandora and told me to sit in the middle of the bed with my eyes closed. Next thing I know this man is sitting behind me (with baby oil that he warmed up) and starts rubbing it into my back... YESssSsS!!! Omg y’all he gave me a 2hr full body massage saying simply that I do so much that I deserved to just relax and have some pressure taken off. And while massaging me he put me to sleep drooling 🤤 lmao and then covered me up and cuddled me till morning. So the post was for little things. Usually we are so stressed with trying to provide and raise our family that we miss each other in the mix, and here recently we were trying to find a way to revamp our sex life because we went from always wanting it to me being pregnant and not even wanting to be touched. It’s really weird and a very hard adjustment. And after our last attempt at this and it not working it left hurt feelings not gonna lie for both of us. To which I told him it doesn’t have to be what we are use to just the small things that took some thought are what’s best and then he does this! I’m more than amazed at this man. And now we woke up to our lil man running I to our room like every morning wanting his juice (choco milk) and paw patrol... but when I got back to bed with the milk and started cuddling with lil man my husband gets up and comes back bout 10mins later with French toast for me and the baby to enjoy together in bed. So yeah I’m in tears again lol. If y’all read this to the end thank you, with all the negative out there just had to spread some positive.