Anyone have any experience with a Labiaplasty?

I am listening to The Queen V (I highly recommend). For a while now I have been considering having a Labiaplasty.

For those that may have some of the same insecurities and could benefit from the topic let me clarify what exactly it is...A labiaplasty is a surgical procedure done to reshape a woman's labia minora—the inner "lips" of the vulva.

I have one minora that is shaped different and quite frankly is longer than the other. I had never even noticed it and quite honestly always thought I was blessed rather well in the looks of my vag dept. 😆 That was until my now BF of 2 1/2 years first spent some time down there in a well lit room while we were just relaxing and exploring one another and said “this thing looks funny, it’s all long and flappy” 😩 I swear a small part of me died that day. I obviously recognize he probably had no idea I would relive it often in my head and have every-time he has touched it since.

With all of that said...I would like to get the procedure for myself to trim the excess lol not because I fear he ever gave it a second thought but that I have and fear I always will.

I have 2 piercings down there so I’d consider myself brave but I have some questions...

Has anyone had this? Did your insurance cover it? Did your OBGYN do it? What was the recovery time like (work)? Do you recommend it? What was the down time from sex?