Body issues

Hi! Okay so I’m 15 years old I weight around 117-118 and I’m 5’5 I’m an XS and I wear jeans from sizes 00-1 depending on the brand, Everyone says that I’m really skinny by I don’t know why by I feel fat all the time I look in the mirror and all I see is fat I feel like my stomach is too big I have a fat face etc but EVERYONE says I’m super skinny I’ve gone says without eating just so that I wouldn’t feel fat but I still look and feel fat. I don’t think I have an eating disorder, I’ve eaten and puked my food out, I’ve fasted only drinking water for like 3 days, I’ve taken laxatives so food would pass thru my system faster, I’ve eaten little food but then there’s time where I eat normal amount and I’ll snack but then I’ll feel fat and go back to my old ways, Would this be considered an ED or is it just normal teenager things! I just don’t want to be fat I want to have a slim face and a flat stomach, I don’t look like I have an ED I still have a butt and my cheeks are a good size but idk any help or tips?