
I’ve been talking to this boy on tinder for about 2 weeks now. Great conversation. Flirting. We planned on going on a date yesterday but since it was nonstop snowing we decided to reschedule since the roads were bad and he lives a tad bit far. Anyways I have a weird question. So we were talking and he said I need to shower blah blah blah. Then he goes I need to do stuff before I shower. And I’m like ok. Anyways he texts me afterwards and is like alright IM DONE and I asked with what (because I felt like he wanted me to know/ask what he was doing or something) and he says I’m not gonna tell you bc you’ll think I’m a fuckboi or gross. And I was like welp ok and carried the conversation elsewhere since he said he didn’t wanna tell. Well then he messages me that he masterbated. Which is totally fine that he did bc that’s just human nature but I’m just wondering why tf he told me this 😂 like idk if I masterbate I don’t go around telling people or insinuating that I’m doing something before I’m gonna go shower lol