Mid cycle spotting

Alisha • 7 yrs Ttc #1 in Melbourne, 🇦🇺 14 ivf cycles and counting..

Hi everyone,

It's been ages since I posted on here as i needed a break from it all. But I'm currently at my wit's end and need some answers so I am calling out for advice .

I and currently cd23. My cycles are usually 31 days give or take.

I haven't been tracking so don't know the exact day of ovulation but I had ewcm on days 12&13.

I have had spotting since day 18 and I am starting to get concerned.. I have never had mid cycle spotting before so have no idea what to think.

The spotting has been scant to liner required and anything from coloured discharge to dark to bright to tissue..

Anyone have any similar experiences?

We've been ttc for just over 3 years...

Thanks in advance ladies