Is spotting normal😶

Few weeks ago i had my appointment with my general doctor i explain to her the medication(medroxyprogesterone) my gyno had prescribed to regulate my menstrual cycle in hopes of conceiving.after taking the medication as prescribed i had a positive OPK my husband and i BD on that day as well as following day. A week later i started to spott for couple days ranging from spotting to a heavy flow. Explain my symptoms to my doctor. She had me take a pregnancy test came back negative. I was very confused by her reaction. When she asked me if I was having a menstrual cycle i felt as if she did not pay attention to me and dismissed my worries.since then i have try to reach out to my gyno he has set appointment for me to come in after im done with my 3 month prescription.i fell as my doctor and gyno are not taking my concern seriously. Should i be worried or am i over reacting. is it normal for me to have bleeding after getting positive opk and BD. Im hoping for best with my second round of progesterone.