strep test negative but severe sore throat

Amber • Amber Armendariz-Cruz 25 ♏️ Wife👩🏻‍🤝‍👨🏽 Mom 💙💙💗

I posted earlier about being really worried about giving my newborn strep(I’m wearing a mask now around my kids and constantly wash my hands.. and I also didn’t have any symptoms until today).

Well anyways... I went to urgent care and they said I was negative for strep but sent the cultures to a lab so they could test too.

If it’s not strep, I will be extremely shocked because I have NEVER had a sore throat this bad and I have like this weird drainage at the back of my throat on my tonsils that looks like mucus but I don’t have a runny nose. I also have a slight fever. Has anyone else experienced this because the urgent care was not helpful at all today. Ugh. I can never catch a break.