But God!!! I prayed you listened , as usual, but you showed up and showed out!!!!!


So I went for a follow up ultrasound and bloodwork Monday. Apparently they were still not 100% sure of gestation somewhere between 51/2 and 6 weeks. Anyway they can’t really tell cause I never had a cycle last month, and my numbers were really high. The doctor said I “spontaneously ovulated”. Then the Ultrasound tech turns the monitor towards me...

Yea.. I cried like a baby! I mean it’s been at least three years of ttc one year under a fertility specialist and I randomly miss a period but still ovulate and then twins?!!!! Like God, I keep thanking him and praying my baby b pops up but I’m over the moon. I literally was afraid to ask God for this blessing. I am not sure why but I was. But i finally did just pray about it directly. Like I’m ugly crying. My RE just point upwards when I thanked him because even he knows it’s all Gods plan!! I love my RE he is awesome the entire team is!!

I go back next week to see if baby b shows a yolk sack. Just last week we only saw one gestation sack that’s it... now I got two!!! still freaking out!