OPK more negative with out a surge?


Second month TTC our second. I use both the clear blue advanced and the cheap dip testers bc I found with my first, I continued to have a surge after the positive on the clear blue. And with the clear blue you can’t tell when you’re approaching positive by a line darkening. Anyway so I’ve had high fertility (flashing smiley face) for about 10 days. I had it for 17 the month I conceived my first, so not totally usual for me. I thought that on Friday I was close to my surge. But since then the line has gotten fainter. Very very faint today

Do you think I’m not going to ovulate this month? Or can waves up and down happen?

If relevant, my LO is almost 19 months. I was on the mini pill since 6 weeks but didn’t actually get a period until 15-16 months postpartum and then irregular spotting until going off the pill at the end of December.