Lifting Weight Restrivtions

So I just left my 24 week appointment and I saw a new provider I haven’t seen yet (rotating practice). I asked about workout restrictions like I do at every appt, just to make sure recommendations haven’t changed as I get further in my pregnancy. I expected like “reduce by x% or listen to your body,” but she ended up sending me the restrictions below, and I’m a little taken aback by it.

Infrequent lifting (less than every 5 minutes): 26 lbs

Frequent lifting, but with breaks (no more than an hour at a time, with 1 hour of break in between): 22 lbs

Frequent, constant lifting: 13 lbs

I’ve been told my whole pregnancy to keep doing what I did pre-pregnancy, so I squatted 225 last week, just like I did pre-pregnancy. Anyone else with a low risk pregnancy get smacked with similar restrictions half way through? I was really hoping to maintain at least 75% of my squat max, and based on this i can’t even lift the bar 😑🤦🏼‍♀️