From 3 natural births to induction

Bex • 🧚‍♀️ 2010 🧚‍♀️ 2017 🧚‍♀️ 2018 🧚‍♀️ 2020 girl mama

Anyone here have an induction after multiple natural births? Bonus if its med free. When i labor my water breaks at the end of labor and once it breaks the pain is unbearable but i give birth super fast and i give birth within 30 mins of rupture. My midwife said if i want i can do a hormone strip first. See if it kicks in. If not ill have my water broken and im terrified. I know if she does ill go fast but it will be excruciating i bet! Im trying to avoid epidural. Ill be 37 weeks so my cervix may not be ripe. Any encouragement and stories will help me. Only 12 days to go!