"You'll blow up, just wait!"

Paige 🤷 • ❤1/8/17❤ KCH born👶🏻💙1/1/19💙👶🏻 ERH👶🏻💜 4/25/20💜👶🏻

Hi, my name is Paige I'm 21 years old and I'm currently 28w&2days with baby number two. I got pregnant with our first child at 19, before my pregnancy I was 217lbs 5ft 4in, by the time i gave birth to our son i was 256lbs. I was borderline with preeclampsia and diabetes. I gained so much weight so fast I was miserable by my thirst trimester. I was told that if I was to get pregnant again i would need to watch how much weight i put on. Well, fast forward to the middle to end of August I had just been diagnosed with polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) and was told I was prediabetic. They put me on medication to force my body to have a period and they put me on a medication to help the diabetes from progressing; they also told me my chances of getting pregnant again were very slim.

So,after two weeks of taking the medicine to help my body start a cycle it didnt work, so I scheduled to get back on birth control and to see why the medication didn't work. I go In September 17th to get my birth control put in and my pregnancy test comes back positive. I start crying and freaking out, I wasnt ready for another my son was only 8 months. So I go back the 20th to get an ultrasound and find out I'm almost 2 months along 😯 I tell my S/O who is so excited to have another.

I start pregnancy number 2 at 21years old 223lbs, and I watch how much of what I'm eating. I'm not starving myself just being more mindful. So at 20weeks I only weighed 233 and I was so proud, that I was slowly gaining the weight she needed. So I come home and tell my mom and my sister, and the first thing they do is tell me I'm going to blow up like a blimp in 8weeks. I wont be able to keep my weight down, and I won't lose it either. It broke my heart, I was so proud. Multiple times my mom has said 'you could pass as just over weight, you dont even look pregnant'

I was getting ready the other morning and she told me I needed to buy new clothes. When i said there was no point right now bc I'm pregnant she yelled 'you act like that belly is going anywhere!'

Ik I went from being the smallest of the family (140-150lbs) to the biggest (170-220) but I have always been made fun of by my mom, I was either to skinny or too fat. She bought me maternity pants 2x I can barley keep a XL up. She bought me a shirt 3x I wear an XL. I've told her a million times I'm not as big as she thinks, but she swears I tell her I wear these sizes.

I'm proud of my weight control and maybe one day I'll be able to get back to 150-170lbs but until then I'm proud of my pounds and the jiggle, bc my body made life not once but twice.