Are any other working moms struggling being back at work?

Nicole • Mama to Matilda + Betty 💕

I went back to my full time teaching job on December 31st, and this adjustment is ROUGH. I’m tired every single day. Sometimes outright exhaustion, sometimes lingering sleepiness. My little girl is sleeping like absolute shit lately, too. I’ve found myself calling out a few times already this year because I’m too tired to function. And Monday this week I needed a day to handle some things (calling about incorrect medical billing🙄, dr appointments, etc.) that I just haven’t had time for during business day hours. Coffee makes me sick to my stomach so that’s no help. I’m finding this a lot more tiring than I anticipated 😩 on top of feeling massive guilt when I do stay home for the day. Plus anxiety because I really want to bank some sick and vaca time for next year. Ughhh man the struggle