Is there a possibility of pregnancy?

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Some background info:

I had protected sex on January 14th, 17th, and 23rd. My boyfriend wore a condom and pulled out all three times.

I got a period on January 24th, estimated to be 14-15 days post-ovulation. I have an irregular cycle so it is impossible to find out accurately, but I presume it occurred January 9th-10th. I had a week of cramps, a bit of acne, mood swings, headaches, and breast tenderness leading up to this period. It was on the lighter side, but consistently bright red and clotty. On the morning of day 2, I filled up a pad.

On Sunday. February 9th, I found egg-white discharge on my toilet paper that was stretchy and clear. Prior to that, I had chunky, cloudy-like discharge and found a bit of spotting on Wednesday, February 5th.

But today, I found chunky, white discharge that faded away when I moved it between my fingers. It did not have an odor. I have never experienced this before, so I am a little worried. The internet suggests pregnancy. What do you think? I am estimated to be on day 13-14 of my cycle.