Why do I feel like this?!?


So I just had my second daughter 4 months ago, labor was horrible and didn’t have the best experience with the hospital I delivered at either but yeah and I was fur sure right after that I didn’t want another baby or so I said because labor was just a lot hard then my first... so I got on the pill as soon as I could but now after a few months I see both my girls and other babies and just get baby fever all over again... I feel like I want another baby!!!! But I just had one!!!! Whyyyy do babies have to be so perfect. I now know I want another baby just not sure when. Just scared of labor just with I could have another baby without going through the labor part lol. I’m sure she’s feeling are normal just not sure how to go about it lol, any advice is appreciated! Thanks! ❤️❤️❤️