Is it to much to ask these things?????

Okay so my MIL and FIL are overall good sitters to my two children but I have a problem... my daughter (13 months) that I worked so very hard to get her on a sleeping pattern (so we could both sleep good at night) and what worked for us was, she has to be in a dark silent room to have a good sleep. I have a monitor I use to watch her at night, her door is always shut and lights off and that’s the ways it’s always been. She sleeps phenomenal! I’ve never had to to the CIO nor would I ever consider it but thankfully my hard work made what seemed impossible, possible. She sleeps great but here’s the thing when my in laws take her over night they sleep with her in there room (with my step son whose 9) and she’s directly in front of the tv in a playpen and they watch tv all night therefor she’s up all night and when we get her back, he sleep routine is all messed up.... I know I probably sound ridiculous and probably over bearing but it actually really bothers me... 1. Because I worked so hard to create this routine and 2. When the routine gets screwed up and she’s awake all night, I’m the one that’s up with her trying to get her back on track. They live in a bungalow and the rooms are directly next to each other and I completely understand they want her right with them because they’re excited but I’d just rather her in a separate room with no tv, talking, disturbances whatsoever

AND I had this same problem with my own mom... she would be up all night and I told my mom, she HAS to be in her own space, no tv, no noises for her to sleep and eventually she came around and tried it out... I’m also a lot more vocal with my parenting choices with my own mom because I don’t feel the need to sugar coat things as much with her... I mean, she’s my mom lol I told her time and time again... do call me complaining you’re tired after watching her because you fail to listen to me but she came around and tried what I told her to put and it worked because it’s just how my daughter is. Shes like her momma, sleeps in the dark, no sounds nothing... I’ve asked my in laws time and time again to do this and they just don’t. I don’t want to deny them having a sleep over with their grand children but it’s becoming irritating having to start all over every time she sleeps there. I’d rather just have her at home as when they usually take her, I’m not even doing anything like going out with my so... I just catch up on reading/cleaning but agree with them to have her because they want to see her and I’m not about to take her away from her grandparents for they want to spend time you know... idk I just need to know if I’m being over dramatics right ridiculous or if I’m entitled to feel this way lol... someone please help me here! They want to take her overnight this weekend but I’m just so hesitant ughhhhhh