When dating a psychopath...

I asked my narc to leave. He refused. I said, "okay, then I need your half on bills." He gives me $200 on 02/05 and says I will give the the other 275 Monday. I'm like, okay. He then gets mad bc I don't want to go out of town and blow money. Goes off, calls me everything....slut, bitch, ho & etc. He has refused to give me the money. Stating when I act right, I'll get the money. Days go by...

Tonight, he comes in and says, 'I'm not a sorry dude, so here is your Valentine's day gift. I'm thinking in my head, your respect is all I want. I don't want it..

I didn't get him anything bc I just want him to go. Then I realize that even though the gift is nice, I know he is an Indian giver. I don't even cling to it. I wait for him to come back and say, what did you get me. I said nothing. He says what do I need with a sorry bitch who didn't get me anything for Valentine's day. I said, please take your gift and go. I don't need it. I told u I'm not into Valentine's day. Treat me right all year. Valentine's day is a year round, forgive me day for sorry ass men who treat women the way they shouldn't be treated. Then he says, I'm done taking your shit. You a depressed ass sorry school teacher and I'm done with your shit. I nodded and said okay.

My favorite part was when he came back in and told me to get my stuff out of the room he has been sleeping in, in my house that he refuses to pay bills in until I kiss his ass and let him train me to be the woman he wants.

I don't even argue anymore. .I'm numb to his insults bc he says them all the time. Blames me for the 2 miscarriages I have had in a year span, tells me I can't carry babies, and calls me fat bitches on a regular. But he's mad bc I didn't think about his nasty disrespectful ass on Valentine's day. I wish I didn't think about him. I despise him and I cannot wait until he finds another victim and gets the fuck out of my house.

Please don't come up here being disrespectful. This is my home, that I rent in my name and my landlord refuses to evict him so the only think I can do is move and pay rent because he will not. He refuses to go bc he has no where to go. If you have nothing nice to say, please say nothing at all.