Fortune cookie knows best..

I know this sounds CRAZY but please hear me out. My company had bought us Chinese food for completing whatever it was (I think flu shots) before the end of the week. We had to get so many to have them buy us lunch. We made the goal, and after I ate my lunch I opened up a fortune cookie that stated “after every storm comes a rainbow” I immediately freaked out because at the time I had already been ttc for about a year and 2 months. My co worker began to put it in my head that maybe I’ll have a story like her. (She miscarried and had twin girls following her 1st period) The following month I kid you not, I got pregnant! I was beyond excited as it was my 1st pregnancy and I was finally gonna be a momma 😭 As many of you may guess, yes I had a miscarriage exactly at 2 months, baby measured 6w1d with no heart beat. I was scheduled another sono the following Monday but my body decided to get rid of the pregnancy the following day. I still had all my symptoms up until that very day. Worst day of my life.. Fast forward another 2 months (had one cycle between miscarriage and positive) and I’m getting faint positives on all my test at 9dpo. I used a total of 3 diff. Brands and they all had same result. 2 days later I used fmu with same test and the line is much darker. It’s hard to accept it but I think I’m finally getting my rainbow baby. Everyone that reads this if y’all could please pray this pregnancy goes to full term and be the healthiest pregnancy it can be. Baby dust to all 🤞🏼🌈😊