Am i pregnant?


So im on birth control, i have the nexplonon (the iud implant) ive had it for almost a year now and I usually only get a period every 2-3 mths.... well me and my boyfriend did it around 2 days before he left for basic & hes been in basic for almost 2wks ( the 17 will make 2wks) which was maybe 2-3 days after my period...ive been having light cramps ,  nausea, fatigue, head aches, back pain, and just all around my stomach just feels weird & so do i...should i take a pregnancy test or wait it out until next period which might be another 2mths away... i know the nexplonon is the best type of bc & its rare to get pregnant on it , but its not IMPOSSIBLE... my mom and her sister both got pregnant on bc so im just anxious & dont know if i should try to wait it out and see if these are just period symptoms or not take the chance & take a test...?