Am I wrong?

Got in a fight with a close friend a few weeks ago about flaking on plans which I can admit was wrong to keep making plans and not following through. But now I’m 35 weeks, have been experiencing pelvic pains so I’ve been trying to rest as often as I can. When we fought she told me it’s like the world is revolving around me and my time because I’m pregnant, and I was talking to her about a situation that I felt like crap about and she just turned around during the fight and threw it back in my face about how I was wrong but when I first went to her about it she was on my side and being supportive. Flash forward to now. I’ve been not making plans because I figured why make plans I don’t think I’m going to follow through on if it’s going to upset her, and I’m not going to her with problems because I just feel like she’s gunna support me in the moment but god forbid we fight she will just tell me how wrong I was after the fact. Now she’s upset I’m not making plans, and not venting to her. The situation that I was talking about was ditching my sister and I felt wrong and have been trying to reconnect and talk to her more, but now my friend is mad I care more about following through on plans with my sister than her, and that I’m making plans with my sister and not her. I remember asking my friend if I could possibly use her hot glue gun for centerpieces and ended up not needing them, and realized I could make them with no glue at all. And she was mad I had asked for her help and then not needed it. Am I wrong to cut this person out of my life?