I think I might have some anxiety issues.

I just can’t handle it when people shout at me, especially those people close to me. When someone lost control and shouted at me, I will froze and don’t how to talk back, I just keep my mouth shut. That is the way of I handle when someone shout at me. Currently, I moved back to Malaysia, a city without ur own transport, u hardly can go anywhere, or else I can take Grab (but I can’t take Grab forever). I learned my driving license and struggled to pass (3 times), but now I’m afraid to go on the road. I asked my husband to teach me to drive on the road, but he kept shouting at me and make me nervous. I asked him to be patient but he seems can’t stand when every time I can’t control my steering wheels well. I told him, I’m a beginner and I need times to learn (even I slow), then he started to lose control and compared as last time how his family members can straight drive on the road after got their license for one week. He’s angry until the point, he said if I can’t stand he teach me like that, after my P license expired, there is no need to renew. I feel very sad now as the man I married who has very bad temper. Anyone tell me, am I really over reacting? How do I can overcome my fears for driving?