
Kari • Baby #3 due ,Mar 2022, "geriatric" mom for the 2ns time.

After I thought about it, I think I didn't ovulate this cycle. My cycle was 41 days long, I highlighted the actual day I recorded ovulation based on CM in red. I also took an at home progesterone test (proov) on 7 and 8 dpo and it said low progesterone when it should have been high.

I have an apt with the doctor on Thursday. He knows I have PCOS. Orginally, I made the apt because my cycles keep getting longer and I wanted something to regulate me since I am 35, but now I think I have to add not ovulating to the mix. Does anyone have experience with doctor's appointments and giving clomid? Do they give it first day with known issues, side effects of clomid, does it look like I ovulated?