The bible

Im in a relationship, i am a believer. My bf is not, at all. I know parts of the bible say i shouldnt be with him. Some parts say its okay. Do you guys know bible verses on both sides? I want to take them to my pastor and have a conversation about it with everything i could find. Thank you!

I want to edit and say, he has been attending my church and has been praying. He doesn't believe due to "no evidence". He IS slowly questioning and asking things about my religion and faith. I am a Christian and attend a baptist church, he used to be saved but as a kid alot happened and he started blaming God, which thats when he stopped believing. He does have male leaders he is good friends with and im am positive that is really helping.

I dont want to "convert" him. As a believer ofc i want him to believe, but i will never force him nor make him feel obligated. But we did have talks and long night conversations about my faith and marriage and kids. He told me he was a believer. He recently felt convicted during a service, and he had THEN told me he hasnt believed in many years. Im just at a loss. I see progress that i LOVE!!! But he still isnt a Christian. Im torn.