Does anyone on here babysit?

I'm a SAHM do to financial reasons and I mentioned to my husband maybe I could watch another baby during the day to help and he thinks it'd be overwhelming and that it would take away from our son. I think as long as I find a good balance I'd be fine but I wanted to see what other people thought.

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I’m a nanny & I get to bring my daughter with me. I’m currently taking care of a 3 year old 1 1/2 year old & my daughter who will be 1 on Friday. It’s overwhelming the first few days as everyone adjusts to one another. We incorporate routine in our day so after the first 2 weeks, now everybody is on the same page. I go to their house.They do breakfast, play, snack, winding down, nap, lunch, play. I use a sound machine to cut out noise if one of them really refuses to nap. But it works for me. I’ve been a nanny for 7+ years with the one break for maternity leave. Started working again when my daughter was 3 months old. If you find the right family in need of your services I’m sure they’d be happy to drop off & pick up. Take a look for prices around your area so you’re smart about what you’d charge. I think it’s good for your baby also to be around other kiddos & share you a little bit.


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I have a small in home daycare


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I too am a nanny. Only part time m,t,w,f for a total of 17 hrs a weeken. I used to watch their son every morning at their house. Now I go there and get him up, fed, and dressed then bring him to my house until 1130 to hang with me and my son. My husband stays with our son from 645-815 then heads to work when i get back with their child. I make less now but it is convenient and even a few hundred bucks helps.


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I think (personally) it's a good idea and your son would have someone else to play with which will help with his development too. Babies need other babies to be social and this is great for his personal skills. If your up to it then explain this to your husband and do a trial run of 2 or 3 weeks and see how you get on. I would personally do it but we have a second one on the way and I just don't have the energy to chase after two babies. If I wasn't pregnant I'd do the same to be honest. X


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Going to start watching my sisters baby for free come the fall so she can go to school. Our babies are only 3 months apart so I think it’d be good for them too.


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I've been considering doing the same. I have a friend who wants part time baby sitting for her son in August and he will be almost 2 years old by then and mine will be about 1.5 years old... I'm scared 😬 and also might be trying again for #2.