Med free birth

Aly 👧🏻👦🏻👧🏻🤰

I woke up just after 6am with some period cramping- I’d been having the same cramping for 2 weeks. I got up to use the bathroom and had a mild contraction. Didn’t think anything of it and got back to bed. Contractions started coming every 2 minutes but weren’t super painful so I thought I was having more false labour. I decided to get up and get ready for the day. Called my midwife at 6:40am since I was still contracting every 2 minutes and she advised us to head to the hospital since I have a history of fast labour’s. We got to the hospital at 8am and was 6cm. We started walking the halls, and got popsicles. My husband is always able to make me laugh which helps me deal with the pain so much better. By 9am the midwife said I should stay in the labour wing since it seemed like the contractions were picking up- they were definitely getting harder to work through. We walked back to my room and I got in the tub for a while and started to struggle and vocalize through the contractions. I asked to be checked around 9:20/9:30am and was 9cm. Started feeling a lot of pressure but still had some cervix left. Pushed for a bit anyways but I could tell it wasn’t doing anything but it helped deal with the pain. I was getting desperate at this point, the pain was so intense. I asked for an epidural and everyone laughed. I asked for them to break my waters, they tried 3 times and couldn’t- they said either my waters had broken without me knowing or they were behind baby. I suddenly felt her head drop into the birth canal and it was just a couple minutes of me trying to breathe and not push when she was born. We had no idea if we were having a boy or girl so it was very exciting to find out we have another little girl! Baby Elliott (Ellie) Mika was born Feb 20th at 9:49am weight 7.4lbs and 20” long