Feeling hopeless and stupid

What have i done good i just wanna die im tired of everything. My boyfriend is like horny 24/7 like he dont care if we in a room with other people he will try something sexual to him the thrill of being caught turns him on more but for me it just cause anxiety. He tries to slip in his dick when he thinks the coast is clear but my body wont let him like idk i physically wont let his dick inside me because im so tense about being caught. I know i know why dont i tell him i dont want to do it ....I DO sometimes he listens......anyways today we was in my room alone sooo guess who wanted to do something🙄 and guess who couldn't relax for fear of someone walking in ...and guess what happened my step dad walked in right when i was getting off him 😞 its unclear if my step dad saw anything or if he just put 2 and 2 together but he asked my boyfriend to leave and told me i broke his trust ... My boyfriend doesn't have a relationship with his dad so he doesn't understand my problem ... I have always been a person who seeks approval from people, i do what makes them happy even when it causes me pain , i try to say no or i dont want to or i cant but no one listens to me and i end up doing things anyways ....anyways im scared what my step dad is gonna do or say when he finally starts talking to me again we have a close relationship i hope i didnt just ruin it trying to please my boyfriend. ...my boyfriend is a great guy he takes care of me and my family he has done so much for us in these past 2years and he has been there for me in my darkest moments i just wish he wasnt so horny all the time😞